General — CancerLyfe


Did you have genetic testing done?

Updated January 20, 2023 in General

If so what were your results? Did your doctor ask for this or did you push for it?

1 - 5 of 5 Other Answers

  • lescpCare Partner

    In 2003, the technology was not there yet. When did it become more widely available?

    November 29, 2022
  • AnnMarieSDBCPatient

    I think that for most "common" cancers they started in 2010 making it more accessible however insurance does not always cover it. Which can be very costly. I had genetic testing and have come up with a few mutations which makes me more vigilant but it does not give me the satisfaction. If that makes sense?

    November 29, 2022
  • erperezPatient

    I never have and I don't know if for Lymphoma they do genetic testing but it's a question I'll bring up on my next appointment. Do you feel like the benefits of knowing outweigh the "knowing" as far as your mental health goes?

    January 6, 2023
  • My doctors pushed for genetic testing soon after I was diagnosed. Most likely because my family does not have a history of cancer and I’m so young. I was told there would only be about a 10% chance anything would be found on the test. We discovered 2 mutations. A genetic CHEK2 mutation which puts me at a greater risk for various cancers, and another mutation (i forget the name) that is found in aggressive cancers. I found it quite helpful because with the CHEK2, there is a medication that can reverse the mutation once i’m out of treatment, which would have never been known I had without the test.

    October 25, 2023
  • KarinPatient

    I think it is helpful for the other members of the family to get tested and of course if there is gene therapy or crispr available for your particular tumor!

    October 28, 2023
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