General — CancerLyfe


The Alignment - Introduction

Care Partner
Updated January 20, 2023 in General

Hello, my name is Daniel G Garza and anal cancer brought me to RareCancerLyfe. I was diagnosed on May 5, 2015, and had ostomy surgery in 2016. I was broken and felt disconnected from myself.

I had been practicing working with energy since 2012. Becoming a Reiki Master in 2016, while I was recuperating from my surgery. I also got my Life Coach certificate during the lockdown, combining both practices. As a Spiritual Life Coach, my job is to help align Mind, Body & Spirit.

There are seven chakras and/or seven levels that we do our best to keep aligned in order to feel balanced and centered. It requires maintenance work and continuous check-ins. First, we need to know the chakras and levels.

  1. Root Chakra - Foundation
  2. Sacral Chakra - Balance
  3. Solar Plexus Chakra - Power
  4. Heart Chakra - Intake
  5. Throat Chakra - Voice
  6. Brow Chakra - Vision
  7. Connect Chakra - Connect

Within each section, there are words that I use to describe what makes up each chakra or level. In the following posts, we will work through each chakra and level. If the words resonate with you in a positive way, that part is aligned. If it resonates in a negative way, we need to stop and see why.

My suggestion is to get a notebook where you can keep your notes, so you can see what needs to be aligned, and the progress you've made. You may be asking what this has to do with rare cancers. Well, treatment, stress, and life can cause us to create blockages and barriers.

For now, there is some homework. On the first page of the notebook, you will write your name at the top of the page, right in the center. Underneath, write the date, and time. This is so we can remember exactly when the journey started.

Next, we are going to write, in one or two sentences, what you believe is blocking you from moving forward personally or professionally. Take a deep breath and write down the first thing that comes to your mind. It is only a start and some changes will be made.

That is all you need to do for now. Stay tuned and get ready to work on The Alignment.  


1 - 1 of 1 Replies

  • cpramirCare Partner

    This seems to be a truly enlightened approach to maintaining a fit spiritual condition throughout the process, diagnosis, treatment, and recovery, for a reachable and maintainable plan to support one's health and wellbeing! We all must maintain a balance between mind, body, and spirit.

    February 15, 2023
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