General — CancerLyfe


Every moment is a moment to celebrate 🎊

February 23, 2023 in General

I was told I was not going to see my birthday. I did, I am today. I have so much gratitude for the perseverance and advocacy that I had to go through as a very sick human to have one doctor listen after years of being dismissed. I truly never realized the abundance life has to offer until I was diagnosed with a terminal cancer. I think oftentimes in the middle of chaos, we tend to lean into the replay of fear, uncertainty, and anxiety (for me at least, when I found out over a MyChart notification). Yet, today I get to celebrate my birthday with all of you! A day that I was “not supposed to see.” I have never been more excited to celebrate the moments I have, every day and wanted to share this win with all of you.

I write daily in my journal and I wanted to share a question and encourage you all to think, write, verbalize, whatever sits right with you! I asked myself today: What are you most thankful for in the midst of your journey, and how are you feeling truly about each moment you have fighting your rare?

So much love and gratitude for this community! Try to celebrate you today, it doesn’t have to be your birthday to celebrate you being alive 💜

1 - 4 of 4 Replies

  • cpramirCare Partner

    Thank you for such a beautiful picture of joy and a reminder to cherish and enjoy every moment FightingRARE_1472! Thank you also for sharing your wisdom. :-)

    February 23, 2023
  • Always trying to love every moment I have! The good, and harder days! Celebrating life, no matter the circumstances, is the best way to get through this in my own person journey of healing.

    March 6, 2023
  • LilmesicanExpert
    Care Partner

    That is such a great photo!

    Post-treatment I was admitted to the hospital and had to be revived three times. I promised myself that I would live every moment to the max (did that sound too 80s?)

    Aside from the basic gratitude list, which yes, sometimes I take for granted, like waking up, breathing, and walking. I am grateful that my brain still has ideas, and that I am able to communicate, which is part of my work as an advocate.

    I am grateful that I can taste food and enjoy it. Because I remember what it was to not be able to taste anything and how delicious a bean & salsa taco is at midnight.

    I am grateful that I can get in my car and drive myself with the radio blasting to my favorite 80s music, see a theme here? Yes, I am an 80s kid and I am even grateful that I can still remember things that when I was going through treatment seemed a distant foggy thought.

    So I applaud you for dancing in your flower dress with a huge smile. I am grateful that I get to share that with you!

    March 14, 2023
  • YSarraboPatient

    Happy Belated and cheers to many more!🎈

    March 14, 2023
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