Blood Malignancies — CancerLyfe

Blood Malignancies

Check out Ron's story

February 27, 2023 in Blood Malignancies

Ron’s story is one of delay and dismissal. He was left to battle a horrific disease, prescribed the wrong medications, not taken seriously and misdiagnosed. This happens all too often, especially to People of Color. We will only end these disparities by talking about them and demanding better diagnostic practices. Connect with Ron and others on RareCancerLyfe today, link in comments.


1 - 3 of 3 Replies

  • erperezPatient

    I can't believe it took that long to do a biopsy! Something so simple and lifesaving. So glad you're doing well Ron. xo

    March 31, 2023
  • YSarraboPatient

    I've heard similar stories time and time again as a Black woman. Sometimes those that are in the marginalized community have to do so much for doctors to get it together. Now why wasn't a biopsy considered in Ron's case is baffling but also a reminder of why we all need to ask questions ... even the silly ones, as that one silly one may be the one that reminds them to perhaps - hum, let's get a biopsy done.

    April 23, 2023
  • cpramirCare Partner

    I have shared and now, disappointingly, realized this is a common occurrence in the medical field. We, people of color, must fight so hard and be so loud just to get the most basic care for ourselves. As a care partner, I had to learn how to "be loud" in the hospital bureaucracy. I also had to learn where every hospital personnels jugulars were located so I would have maximum effect when I was required to "be loud". It was a very draining and tiring experience.

    Sometimes I think doctors like to cruise by appropriate treatment, like the absence of a biopsy in Ron's story as YSarrabo suggested, because they know they can get away with it with people of color in this flawed system. I had to do a lot of research so Daniel would not be held victim to my ignorance. Thank you for shining a light on Ron's tragic story of institutionalized racism and suffering AnnMarieSDBC. As long as people like you choose to shine the light on issues like this, there is hope. Thank you!

    April 26, 2023
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