General — CancerLyfe


What are the human being based terms you use instead of "Cancer Free"?

cpramirCare Partner
March 14, 2023 in General

I asked my partner about the use of the term, "Cancer Free" and how he feels about it. His response helped me to realize the term "Cancer Free" is a very personal and unique thing. I can agree with his thought that the term "Cancer Free" is most definitely a term created for healthcare professionals. What are some personal terms that you all have created for the human being side of this? I look forward to hearing your ideas.


1 - 1 of 1 Replies

  • LilmesicanExpert
    Care Partner

    Cancer Free

    We read it on paperwork, we hear healthcare professionals use it, and even other clients/patients say it. It is so easy to say and use. We had cancer, we went through treatment, and the cancer is gone. We are free.

    Do we think about cancer on a day-to-day basis? Of course not. Do we forget that we had cancer because we are 'cancer free'? Absolutely not. Are we free of cancer forever? I don't think so.

    Of course, I can only speak for myself. I prefer to present myself as a 'Cancer Survivor'. I survived the worst of it. Did the chemo and radiation. Dealt with the after-treatment. Went to therapy and support groups. Cried and laughed.

    Now I am in survival mode. Because no matter how 'in the moment' I am, cancer left its mark. There are scars, wounds, and for me an ostomy. So, no, I am not 'cancer free'.

    March 15, 2023
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