General — CancerLyfe


Life in remission or after treatment....

cpramirCare Partner
March 27, 2023 in General

I have always been curious if it is s a shared experience that the person in remission has an opportunity, or due to the seriousness of cancer and the treatments, time to reevaluate your life and careers? I know after my partner's treatments he had a very different take on what he wants to do and leave behind as his legacy to our communities and possibly the world. Is this a common experience, to have a moment of reassessment and change, for those patients in remission? I would love to learn of your experiences and wisdom on this topic. I feel this knowledge can be very helpful for those of us who were involved in patient care so we can continue to offer the best support to our loved ones or patients in the long-term.

1 - 4 of 4 Replies

  • LilmesicanExpert
    Care Partner

    My Legacy

    Disclaimer: Christian is my partner. 💖

    I have always been success-driven, from the time I was young to today. Before cancer, I had a vision of what I wanted to leave behind as my legacy. I was in a relationship, had no children, and living for what I could get out of life and leave something behind to be remembered by.

    During treatment and after a near-death scare I decided that having folks remember my name was not going to be enough. I needed to leave a bigger mark. Imagine a full-back tattoo, but spiritual.

    After treatment and when I heard the words "In Remission" leaving my mark seemed too little. I want to be an influence in folk's lives. I want to die knowing that I truly made a difference.

    I want to make sure before I go that the name "Daniel G Garza" can stand on its own. That Lilmesican Proudctions Inc means something in the entertainment, advocacy, and coaching community.

    I have a bigger mission in my life, still success-driven, but in a different direction.

    March 27, 2023
  • cpramirCare Partner

    Thank you for sharing this remarkable insight into your experience being "cancer free" and how it is affecting your aspirations for your life.

    March 28, 2023
  • HeatherVSJPatient

    I loved my career.. I was a partner in a salon business, ran one of the 3 salons, and worked full-time behind the chair. I always joked that they would have to pry my shears out of my cold, dead, hands when I dropped dead behind the chair. I loved it. I had a full clientele, trained other salon professionals and thrived in the environment. Then I got sick. I saw the company for what it was. When I wasn't making money for them, I was of no use. I had very little support from the company when I got sick. I took a leave of absence to get surgery. One of the other owners accused me of faking it for attention. I literally took off my shirt and showed her my giant scar that wrapped around my body. After that, I sold my part in the company and never went back. I lost my lung and knew that going back to work in the salon industry would not be an option. My body was too compromised. I think I mourned the loss of my career more than getting cancer.

    After some time and recovering from treatment.. the advocacy thing sort of fell into my lap and that's what I've been doing ever since. I love it and realize that this is far more rewarding than anything I've done before.

    March 29, 2023
  • LilmesicanExpert
    Care Partner


    It completely sucks that this is such a common story. I have heard from many friends and colleagues finding out that the company they were working for was not as invested in them as they were in the company.

    That leads many to the path of advocacy, activism, or instigators in whatever health condition they are living with. I trust you found your inner-light and sharing it with the community.

    I just wrote on the Forum regarding career and how it affects our foundation and root chakra. Take a look and I would like to hear your feedback.

    All the Best Vibes going your way!!!

    March 29, 2023
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