General — CancerLyfe



Updated January 20, 2023 in General

What are some ways to manage the symptoms of advanced cancer or the side effects of its treatment?

1 - 2 of 2 Replies

  • I have added a lot of holistic treatments, along side the treatments necessary for my cancer. On top of having cancer, I also had mold poisoning from environmental toxins and also have a rare genetic disorder that causes pain to amplify beyond human comprehension. After cleaning up and finding the right balance between western and eastern medicine, I was able to manage pain (most days). I had to adjust and recreate my life practically from scratch and tune into what my body physically, mentally, and emotionally needed in order to manage it all. I would consider talking with your doctor about lifestyle changes first before doing anything drastic because every human body is different and reacts differently to any changes.

    I also highly recommend getting the rest that your body needs. We are so programmed to having to be, do, or be on the go to be “successful,” but in my reality I needed to SLOWWW down and realize that pushing my body past it’s limits was not helping me with managing the pain, stress, or worry that comes along with a diagnosis of something so heavy.

    March 8, 2023
  • LilmesicanExpert
    Care Partner

    Side effects, I have realized are so different from person to person. Nausea, hair, and weight loss are pretty much the go-to but some of us have had others depending on the stage of cancer and the treatment.

    As mentioned in the first reply talking to your doctor is important, a balance of Eastern and Western medicine helped me, and SLEEP!!! 😴

    Aroma therapy, guided sleeping meditations, and Reiki helped. I had friends record 5-minute meditations, stories, or jokes that I would play before radiation to put me in a good state of mind.

    When my appetite was coming back I went to what I was craving even though my nutritionist wanted me to have 'healthier' choices. Bean tacos were my go-to.

    Spiritually I needed to go back to my roots, and what would my mom give me when I was feeling sick?

    I truly hope some of this helps.

    March 13, 2023
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