General — CancerLyfe


Nausea, gastro, stomach related issues!

November 28, 2023 in General

With the nausea and gastrointestinal webinar coming up this Friday (!), I am wondering if these issues came up for anyone during treatment? It’s a topic that’s definitely relevant for myself. During my third round of chemo, I had to get a semi-permanent feeding tube because I was unable to keep anything down and the connection between my brain and stomach had cut off. I ended up losing 40 pounds in two weeks which did a number on me both physically and mentally.

1 - 3 of 3 Replies

  • lescp3Care Partner

    We just had a great webinar with Dara (patient advocate) and Dr. Shike (MSK) sharing fabulous tips on managing these issues during treatment. Check in out on our Webinars...

    December 5, 2023
  • KarinPatient

    The seminar taught me a lot!

    December 5, 2023
  • SorossiniPatient

    Yes! What has surprised me the most is that treating those GI symptoms can require so many lifestyle changes to happen all at once.

    December 6, 2023
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